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Hobbies and Interests in Lincoln, Lincolnshire.
- Box Clever Miniatures -
The miniature printers for the dolls house and miniatures collector. Fully readable books and other printed accessories in 1/12th scale. submit 25/05/01
- Grandads Playroom -
1~12th scale miniatures craftsman made buildings specialist period is Medieval ~ Tudor timber framed one off and commissions. can build any period. Exclusive lighting, hand made candle ~ oil ~ gas lamps - period outside lights, based near Boston Lincolnshire. submit 21/09/00
- Grantham Amateur Radio Club -
Grantham Amateur Radio Club, RAE, NRAE, Morse Instruction, Dxpeditions, free pics submit 29/12/00
- Heavenly Hugs -
Mohair Teddy Bears for the Collector. Regularly updated. Newsletter written by Scrappy Bear. Based in Gainsbrough Lincs. submit 29/05/00
- Jane Means -
Jane means gift wrapping and card making courses. Lincoln submit
- Lincoln Orienteering Group -
The Lincoln Orienteering Group orgainises events in Lincolnshire, attracting competitors from all over the country. We also provide coaching to groups such as schools. submit 06/10/01
- Memorabilia UK -
Memorabilia-UK, celebrity autographs, photographs, prints, signed photos, pop artists, sports stars, politicians, tv stars, television stars, based in Gainsbrough submit 06/10/01
Todays thought -
I've tried relaxing, but - I don't know - I feel more comfortable tense.