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Hobbies and Interests - Grimsby area N.E. Lincs.
- Andy Glass Man -
A site about glass engraving aimed mainly at groups and guilds as an activity for their members submit 22/11/01
- Beelsby model flying club -
We are Beelsby Model Flying Club and are 60 strong. We fly radio controlled model aircraft at our private grass strip just outside Grimsby. submit 31/12/00
- Cleethorpes Astronomy -
View photo's of the society's 16" telescope. a dual Cassegrain and Newtonian telescope. submit 11/01/02
- Gas Turbine Engines -
Miniature gas turbine jet engines APU's and pulse jet hobby pages submit 30/10/99
- Grimsby Photographic Society -
Grimsby oldest established photography club catering for all ages and interests including digital imaging. submit 27/08/01
- Hovels -
Manufacturer of model buildings for War gaming submit 01/08/99
- Made in House -
View the work done by two generations of one family one aged 63, retired in Lincolnshire. Others 40 in South Yorkshire. hobbies include embroidery, upholstery, knitting, jewellery making, silversmithing, painting, woodworking, toy, model making, photography, construction and operation of IBM personal computers and now web site construction. submit 25/11/01
- NMB Models -
Manufacturer producing exclusive model railway buildings and lineside accessories in 7mm and 4mm scales, for the discerning modeller. based in Scunthorpe. submit 06/10/01
- Solo Flight -
Learn to fly with Soloflight at Humberside International Airport submit 18/12/99
- Wendy Hall Fabrics -
The full range of Husqvarna VIKING sewing and embroidery machines, overlockers, computer software, machine accessories and Horn sewing cabinets. submit 15/03/00
Todays thought - Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
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