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Education - Grimsby area N.E. Lincs.
- Education Lincs -
Education Lincs will help you take your first steps in to using a computer, or develop your existing skills.
If you have not used a computer before and would like to learn about what the world of IT can offer, UK online will help you get started. If you have made the first steps yourself but would like to learn more, ask about learndirect introductory courses. If you want to go further then look at the range of learndirect Advanced and Expert courses and consider gaining a qualification such as ECDL. Whatever your needs you will find a warm welcome at the Cottage. submit 24/12/02
- ESVI -
Educational service for the visually impaired, curriculum resource centre, Fairfield Primary School, Mendip Avenue, Scartho, Grimsby, 01472 872963 submit 13/02/02
- Franklin College -
High quality courses and all the support you need to succeed submit 01/08/99
- Getting On -
The Humberside Partnership, which provides the local careers service in NE Lincs. It also provides careers guidance for adults through Better Prospects, a centre in Bull Ring Lane, Grimsby submit 09/05/00
- Grimsby College -
Grimsby College, North East Lincolnshire. submit 20/02/99
- IAG -
The Information Advice and Guidance Service consists of a network of information and guidance providers in North East Lincolnshire. submit
- KP Dance Centre -
K P Dance Centre-IDTA Theatre Dance School, Bursar Street. Cleethorpes submit 27/11/00
- Libraries -
Grimsby Library, the guardians of local knowledge, now with a readers reviews page asking web visitors to submit book reviews for them to put onto the site. submit 18/02/00
- Local Schools Online -
Listing of Schools on the web in the Grimsby area submit 03/01/00
- On Course Humberside -
An online database of training and education courses in Humberside covering North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, Hull, and East Yorkshire, On Course Humberside from Learning and Skills Council Humberside. submit 10/12/01
- The Lighthouse -
NEL Education information for Schools, teachers, pupils, children, links to good educational web sites. The aims of the site are to provide information about the Internet, links to good educational sites and to show excellence of practice in Education submit 03/01/00
Related pages:- Schools now on the web in Grimsby and Cleethorpes area
Schools online Louth area
Todays thought - If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.
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