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Angling Clubs - Coarse Fishing - Grimsby area N.E. Lincs.
- Chapmans Tackle -
Chapmans Tackle secure online super store! All your fishing needs, bait and tackle and accessories available all day every day. submit 15/07/02
- Fishing - Badger Classics -
On line fishing tackle shop, the place for unbeatable angling bargains on the Internet Direct from the Manufacturer to UK anglers Peacefield Business Park, Louth Road, Holton-Le-Clay submit 28/09/00
- Net more fish -
On-line angling community magazine for Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, netmorefish submit 07/01/02
Tackle Shops in Lincolnshire
The Anglers Workshop, Unit 3, Haven Mill, Garth Lane, Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN311 - 01472 351125
Baitline International, Littlefield Lane, Marsh Chapel, Grimsby N.E. Lincolnshire, DN36 5TJ - 01472 388800
Barry's of Goole Ltd, 25 Westfield Avenue, Goole, N Lincs, DN14 6JY - 01405 762869
Chapmans Sea & Game, 29, Beechway, Scunthorpe, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN16 2HF - 01724 277551
Chapmans Specialist Tackle, 23-29, Beechway, Scunthorpe, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN16 2HF - 01724 858982
Cleethorpes Angling Centre, 291, Brereton Avenue, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincolnshire DN35 7QX - 01472 602002
Cleethorpes Tight Lines, 51, Cambridge St, Cleethorpes, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN35 8HD - 01472 322206
Country Lines Brigg, 4, Alexandria Terrace, Bridge St, Brigg, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN20 8NW - 01652 651650
Fred's Fishing Tackle, 413 Weelsby St, Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN32 8BJ - 01472 352922
Hatfield R.A, 125 Rowland Rd, Scunthorpe, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN16 1TQ - 01724 861786
Humberside Angling Centre, 63-67, Pasture St, Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN32 9AB - 01472 322300
Kingfisher Tackle Shop, 37, Fleetgate, Barton-Upon-Humber, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN18 5QA - 01652 636868
Lightwoods of Grimsby, 172, Cleethorpe Rd, Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN31 3HW - 01472 343536
R.S Tackle & Guns, Unit 1, Carlisle St, Goole, North Lincolnshire, DN14 5DS - 01405 720292
Scunthorpe Fishing Tackle Centre, 9 Laneham St, Scunthorpe, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN15 6LJ - 01724 849815
Sparks Bros, 43, Cromwell Avenue, Grimsby, N.E. Lincolnshire, DN31 2DR - 01472 342613
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