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Music - Boston area Lincs.
- Boston Choral Society -
Boston's premiere provider of choral music.
submit 28/04/02
- Boston Operatic Society -
Boston Operatic Society based in the town of Boston in Lincolnshire, England. Founded in 1964, musical productions staged twice yearly at Blackfriars Arts Centre, Spain Lane, Boston
submit 28/08/02
- Crimson Ice -
Boston's newest Rock Band Crimson Ice, featuring vocalist Mandy Watton and a selection of 1950s to 2000s popular music suitable for all functions from Pub nights, through private parties to weddings and corporate functions.
submit 30/05/02
- Feedback -
An alternative rock group or band with a hint of metal, Feedback are Iain Taylor, Mike Peto, Kit Tinsley, Matt Crouch and Andy Taylor, five blokes from Sleaford, particularly influenced by The Smashing Pumpkins.
submit 12/08/02
- Funky Business -
Funky business recording and production studio, includes the ultimate party band disco experience for weddings, corporate events and parties.
submit 03/09/02
- New England Conservatory -
New England Conservatory of Music • 290 Huntington Avenue • Boston, MA 02115 • (617) 585-1100 Located in Boston
submit 20/11/01
Todays thought - Be nice to people on your way up because you may meet them on your way down.
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